Laura Fletcher Cooking for a Cure is a 501c3 non-profit corporation. All donations are tax deductible.
Funds raised are used to assist those affected by cancer in Mississippi County.
Over $75,000 has been raised since 2022.
LFCFC donates to the area Make-A-Wish chapter, provides local cancer patients with gas cards to help them get to treatment sessions, donates to Team Laura for the American Cancer Society and sponsors local children of cancer patients via a scholarship program.
Scholarship Program
Cancer can be a devastating diagnosis, a difficult fight, and an all-around trauma for both the individual and their loved ones. The weight of this can leave one both physically and financially drained, making it difficult to remain in school. A family member’s diagnosis can also be life-altering, often leading one to have to take on additional responsibilities and bear the burden of worrying about a loved one’s health. This scholarship seeks to support students who have been impacted by cancer to make their journey through higher education easier.
Award: Two scholarships in the amount of $2,000.00 will be awarded each year. Check will be written to the educational institution that the recipient attends. Scholarship award is a one-time payment that does not renew.
Application Deadline: March 15
Winner Announced: via school award program
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicant must be directly affected by cancer (applicant, direct family member/caretaker)
No GPA requirement, but academic standing is considered. Must have GPA that is acceptable by the institution you plan to attend.
Applicant must attend one of the schools listed below.
Applicant must have plans to attend a post-high school institution (two- or four-year college, vocational or technical school) within the United States in the fall of the year the scholarship is awarded.
Participating High Schools: BIC, Kennett High School, Manila High School, Senath/Hornersville, Southland, Caruthersville, Hayti, Delta C7, Steele High School, Cooter High School, Gosnell High School, Rivercrest High School, Osceola High School, Armorel High School, Kipp School Blytheville, Blytheville High School
How to Apply: Applicant will obtain an application from their school counselor. Create a less than 3 minute video telling us who you are, what your college plans are, how cancer has impacted your life and what this scholarship would mean to you and submit with your completed application to your school counselor. Video must be placed on a USB drive and the drive must be submitted with the application.
Have a question?: Please message us via the CONTACT page.